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Clinical Psychology Tips

Read these 2 Clinical Psychology Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Psychology Degree tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Applying to Universities with Clinical Psychology Programs

You’ve decided you want to be a clinical psychologist and work with clients who suffer from mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression. You know you can make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from psychological disorders, or you know someone who has a mental illness. Maybe you found you have an ability to work with people who suffer from mental disorders. Whatever brought you to your career choice, use these tips as you decide which clinical psychology program and university you wish to apply to.
Application. After applying college of your choice, declare a major in clinical psychology.
Courses. Plan to take courses in abnormal psychology and crisis counseling. You will take other courses as you progress through your program, which is designed to stress the abnormal psychology, mental illnesses and counseling aspects.
Schools. You have a wide selection of colleges and universities from which to choose. Some of the schools offering a major in clinical psychology include the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California, Ellis University Undergrad in Deerfield, Illinois, Ohio Christian University, in multiple locations, California Lutheran University, in Thousand Oaks, California, Steiner Institute of Esthetics in Salt Lake City, Utah and the New England Institute of Technology in Werwick, Rhode Island.


How To Pursue Clinical Psychology Careers

*Clincial psychology careers are very rewarding. First, you will have an excellent opportunity to truly make a difference in other people’s lives. Secondly, you’ll be at the forefront of scientific exploration and innovation. Thirdly, you’ll work in an industry that is both burgeoning and challenging. You’ll have no trouble finding clinical psychology careers or remaining interested in your field. Now that you’ve made up your mind to pursue clinical psychology careers, you’ll need to know exactly how to become a psychologist.

Most people begin clinical psychology careers by achieving good grades in high school and obtaining a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Students will take courses in chemistry, biology, math and writing. From there, students can then plan on beginning a doctoral program. It’s important that those interested in clinical psychology careers look for a program that is oriented more toward therapy than research. Some students continue on to pursue a Ph.D. (with an emphasis on medical philosophy) or a Psy.D. (with an emphasis on therapy). Now that you know how to become a psychologist, you need to mentally prepare yourself to spend more than four years learning and over 1,500 supervised hours or practicing before earning your independent practitioner license.

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